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What is Cross-Currency Swap?
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What is Cross-Currency Swap?

A Cross-Currency Swap (CCS) is an OTC derivative contract that involves the exchange of interest payments and principal denominated in two different currencies between two parties based on an agreement. In a CCS, interest payments and principal in one currency are exchanged for principal and interest payments in another currency. Interest payments are exchanged at fixed intervals throughout the life of the agreement. CCSs are highly customizable and can include floating rates, fixed rates, or a combination of both. In practice, CCSs are typically used for hedging or locking in interest rates rather than for speculation.

How cross-currency swaps work

Initial Exchange: At the start of the swap, both parties exchange equivalent amounts of principal based on an agreed-upon exchange rate.

Periodic Interest Payments: During the swap, both parties exchange interest payments at regular intervals. Interest payments can be either fixed or floating.

Maturity Exchange: Upon maturity of the swap, both parties exchange equivalent amounts of principal again, typically at the initial exchange rate.外汇掉期| 什么是外汇交易中的掉期?

Applications of cross-currency swaps

Managing Exchange Rate Risk: Cross-currency swaps allow businesses or investors to lock in future exchange rates, thereby reducing the risks associated with exchange rate fluctuations. They can be used to hedge foreign exchange exposures arising from international trade or investment activities.

Accessing Favorable Financing Terms: One party may have a better credit rating or lower borrowing costs in their domestic currency market. Through a cross-currency swap, they can leverage this advantage to borrow in another currency at a more favorable interest rate.


A Chinese company is planning an investment in the United States and needs US dollar funding. The company has a good credit rating in the Chinese market and can borrow CNY at a lower interest rate. However, the company is concerned about the appreciation of the USD against the CNY, which would increase its investment costs.

To hedge against exchange rate risk, the company can enter into a cross-currency swap with a US company. The Chinese company will borrow funds in CNY and exchange them for USD  with the US company. During the swap, both parties will exchange interest payments at regular intervals. At the maturity of the swap, both parties will exchange the principal again.

In this way, the Chinese company can lock in the exchange rate between the USD and the CNY, thereby reducing exchange rate risk. At the same time, the company can also take advantage of its credit advantages in the Chinese market to borrow funds at a more favorable interest rate.

A cross-currency swap is a financial instrument that allows two parties to exchange both principal and interest payments in different currencies, aiming to mitigate exchange rate risks while also enabling companies to leverage interest rate differentials in different markets for more cost-effective financing.

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