Grayscale Bitcoin Trust ETF (GBTC)

Last update:
Net Asset Value (NAV) Per Share
NAV Per Share 1D Change ($)
NAV Per Share 1D Change (%)
Market Price
Premium/Discount to NAV
30D Median Bid/Ask Spread (%)
XBX Index Price
Daily Volume (Shares)*
Market Price 1D Change ($)
Market Price 1D Change (%)
GAAP NAV Per Share
Shares Outstanding
Total Expense Ratio
Bitcoin Per Share
Assets Under Management (NON-GAAP)
Total Bitcoin in Trust
Total Bitcoin in Trust

Participações em Investimentos Grayscale

Posição Total
Posição Total
Preço Primário
Por Ação
Preço Secundário
Por Ação
Taxa Prêmio
Hora Fechamento
Variação 24h
Variação 7d
Variação 30d
Hora Atualização
Total AUM :
Notice:Grayscale does not sell the underlying assets within its trusts. If Grayscale's products have a decline in AUM, that is because of a decline in the price of the underlying asset.The decrease in holdings (negative number) in the chart refers to the annual fee deducted by the grayscale irregularly.

Participações em BTC da Grayscale Investments

Grayscale GBTC Premium/Discount to NAV

Prêmio BTC da Grayscale Investments

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